Ranchslider 1.8 W #RS112
Ranchslider 1.8 W #RS112
1 x Sandstone Grey Ranchslider
Comes with 3 sides of jamb liners however has a broken bottom jamb liner
Had a security door previously attached to it (not included) and has a few screws on the face of it
Outside of jambs measures 1960 mm H x 1800 W
Door slides well from Left to Right L-R (looking at the outside)
Snib locks from the inside, no key.
Stock code # RS112.
Matching joinery also available:
Ranchsliders 1960 H x 1600 W R-L & L-R opening
Ranchsliders 1960 H x 2900 W centre door opening (2nd to last photo) SOLD OUT
Windows 1190 x 1190
windows 890 x 890 (last photo)